What to know about Scorpio zodiac sign: Personality traits, compatibility and more


What to know about Scorpio zodiac sign: Personality traits.


Ruling Planet: Pluto/Mars

Energy Polarity: Yin/Feminine
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Anatomy: Genital and Excretory Organs
Metal: Iron
Gemstone: Beryl
Colour: Maroon, Deep shades of Red

Scorpio zodiac sign personality: Sweet the Sting

Whoever came up with the term, ‘Flirting with Danger’ was definitely thinking about a Scorpio. Yes, this is the sign of sex. Yes, this is also the sign of danger and nuclear explosions. This is also the sign of the dark unknown, the forces of death, as well as everything that happens after death has occurred. Therefore, many a Scorpio are nihilistic, because they don’t believe in pandering to the people-pleasing standards of society. Love and light can take a hike!

You have to remember, when the soul is born into Scorpio zodiac sign, it clearly didn’t want to incarnate in the human form. It was forced to do so in order to heal incredible traumas from numerous past lives. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto – the God of Death. Thus, almost all Scorpios are fascinated with the subject in some form or the other. Unlike most others, they don’t fear death – they respect it!

However, along with death, Pluto also rules riches, wealth, and power – which is why almost all Scorpios lust after the above. However, unlike Cancer who fears a life of poverty and thus clings onto money – Scorpio knows that money is power. They don’t care so much about material goods, but they do know that money talks and it gives you the power to sway and conquer the world in ways not even divine birthright can. Money also has the power to buy oneself freedom – something every Scorpio truly wishes for.

We must understand that there are three types of Scorpios in the world.

The first kind is the Eagle, the ones who soar high and rise above everyone else. They are the kind to attain powerful positions in the world and truly make it a better place through their work, as well as their example. They’re the kinds who will reward loved ones with fierce loyalty. Who will take a bullet to save a life. They will be captains of industry, or create life changing medical and scientific breakthroughs, or even save a life of someone in danger without a second thought.

The second is the Scorpion, who will sting others and will even sting themselves merely for the pure pleasure of it. They truly believe that revenge is a dish best served cold, and they will go through extreme extents to serve it well. These are the kind whose extreme nature can borderline on self-sabotage. However, they do have the power of resurrection. Thus, they have the chance to heal, reform, and strive to be like an Eagle. They just need to learn how to forgive – one of life’s most difficult lessons.

The third is the Grey Lizard, who get so overwhelmed by the world, that they descend deep into its depths and aren’t afraid to dabble in everything and anything that’s against the law. Unlike the Scorpion who isn’t afraid of seeking revenge, the Grey Lizard allows bitterness to seethe deeply within it, almost to the point of manifesting debilitating illnesses of the body, mind, and soul. They too have the power to heal and resurrect to become an Eagle, but many a times, they’re so addicted to the pain and trauma, that they don’t even want to heal. No one can help them until they’re willing to help themselves.

All those born under the Scorpio zodiac sign can either become an Eagle, a Scorpion, or a Grey Lizard. There’s no real way to predict which way they’ll go, because Pluto hides this secret from almost all astrologers. This is why, Scorpio is the sign of power – for they have the ability to take their lives to the greatest heights, as well as, to the greatest lows. It’s up to them which way they choose to go. They truly can be the masters of their destinies – yet they can be painfully human.

Scorpios are masters of sarcasm and dark humour – second only to Capricorn. Only when someone has experienced the darkest and most painful parts of the human existence, can they laugh at it. All Scorpios are born with inherent knowledge about the mysteries of life and death. Even if they forget it consciously as they grow up – their subconscious mind holds this knowledge ever so deeply. Thus, it’s so hard to ever truly shock or surprise a Scorpio.
